
持續創新改善 全員追求卓越

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  • LED luminaire series
    LED luminaire series
  • Air Purifier and Filter
    Air Purifier and Filter
  • GERMAGIC Long-term Antibacterial and Disease Prevention
    GERMAGIC Long-term Antibacterial and Disease Prevention

Air Purifier and Filter

RAYCO 8500高效空氣清淨機,七重高效淨化,完整過濾髒空氣。【訂購專線】07-815-9877#1401、1402E-MAIL

  • Nano-TiO2 environmentally friendly catalyzed anti-bacterial purification.
  • Filter formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and other harmful substances, inhibit bacteria and viruses.
  • Compatible model: RAYCO 8800 Air Purifier.
  • Recommended replacement time is 2 year.

Product Description

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