HR-Training and Development


持續創新改善 全員追求卓越

Continuous innovation and improvement
All employees pursue excellence

Training and Development

Believing that talent is the most important asset, Laser Tek particularly values employees' learning and development; we also encourage them to seek any learning opportunities and apply the acquired knowledge and skills to their daily work. We always believe that employees' relentless improvement and growth leads to a company's sustainable operations. Given so, to improve employees' work quality, increase efficiency, and thus foster talent, the Company stipulates annual employee education and training programs.
Keynote speeches
Keynote speeches
Keynote speeches
Keynote speeches
Keynote speeches
Keynote speeches
Internal education and training
Internal education and training
Internal education and training
Internal education and training
Internal education and training
Internal education and training
Fire drill -  an escape sling
Fire drill - an escape sling
Fire drill - hydrants
Fire drill - hydrants
Fire drill - fire extinguishers
Fire drill - fire extinguishers
The Company provides comprehensive training programs.
New employee orientation
New employee orientation

Enables those new hires to know Tek's corporate culture, integrate into the organization, and hone their self-management technique.

On-the-job <br> training

Offer the core, managerial, and professional competency training to employees from new employees to (including management level)senior staff.

Self development training
Self development training

According to the needs of employees, develop other training courses to enhance the knowledge and experience of employees.

On-job Training
  • Project competency course
  • Managerial competency course
  • Occupational safety
  • Quality system
  • Language training
  • Continuing education
  • Corporate culture
  • Business philosophy
On-job Training
  • New employees job training
  • Company tour
  • Information security management
  • Personal information protection and management
  • Production
  • Quality management
  • Finance and accounting
  • Sales and marketing
  • R&D
  • Human resource and administration
Management Level
  • Executives
  • Mid-level managers
  • Junior managers
Training policy
Training policy

Use resources properly; build an education and training system; continuously hone employees' professional knowledge and their managerial skills quality standards; raise employees' value at workplace; build employees' personal competitiveness of a lifetime.

Training commitment
Training commitment

All employees are entitled to systematic, professional training, education, and mentoring. By providing adequate resources to everyone,and attain diverse skills and knowledge requisite for their performing duties, so as to boost their productivity.