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Dry Furnace/PTF/Firing Furnace
HYD firing furnace + high temperature dry furnace
HYD firing furnace + high temperature dry furnace
- 600ºC/900ºC hybrid circuit or chip resistor firing process.
- Special high temperature heater design with fast heat compensation and long service life.
- Conveyor belt does not turn black after use to contaminate substrate, reducing the frequency of disruption.
- Temperature uniformity on left, center and right of the conveyor belt that is controllable within +/-2ºC.
- Featuring smart multi-loops PID temperature controller with fast and highly efficient heat compensation.
- 24-hour automatic monitoring, recording and autosave.
- Unique exhaust pipe design reduces the frequency of pipeline cleaning and saves expensive compressed air from loss.
- 【Application areas】
FPC and PCB industries.
Product Description
Other Product Description
HYD firing furnace + high temperature dry furnace